Tips to prepare your home for summer

A house can be really transformed with changes that are within the reach of any pocket. With these simple tips you can prepare a home for the summer and enjoy this season to the fullest. Discover everything you can do!

A coat of paint always helps

There are many households that take advantage of the summer to paint the entire house. Without becoming a profound reform, this simple resource can transform a house. It is better to use light colors that enhance the light and help give a feeling of spaciousness.

Transform the bathroom

It’s time to do that reform that you always delay! This room is key for the summer since it is the area of the house where you will surely go to cool off from the heat. It can be turned into a pleasant place with simple changes such as a new tile or the installation of a shower tray.

Check our renovation services:

Bathroom renovation by S2M

Windows are the key

A reform of these elements of a house is the key to better withstand the heat. Better insulation can be achieved that helps to better preserve the temperature of a home. This small investment is well worth making for the summer.

Sustainable energy

The reduction of environmental impact is a very important matter in terms of sustainability and quality of life. Energy resources extracted from oil are becoming scarce and the conversion to alternative sources of energy is both fundamental and necessary. Based on this awareness, over the last few years, Riello has reconverted its products, enhancing the research to develop energy from renewable sources, focusing mainly on solar energy.

Check our solar energy services:

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